মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Skin Cancer Detection

WARNING !!!!!? The device I am about to describe the construction of is NOT of medical grade NOR should it be used to make absolute determination of any condition whatsoever.? Trained use in detection, and what one is actually looking at is also necessary to make a DIAGNOSIS, so this device should not be used to diagnose.??

The device? is to be used to ?merely? help provide a possible prewarning of a condition that should be checked out by a doctor.
Skin cancers are SERIOUS business. It is modeled after the polarized light device my dermatologist used to examine my skin lesions. ? Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it is the entire body's first strike defense and? protection against all types of invaders.??

With this in mind, the following device "could" possibly help one discover that one may have a precancerous or cancerous condition that is completely treatable, if taken to the doctors right away.?? It is NOT meant to bring about panic of any sort;? The instructions here however could help you get that early treatment needed to safely remove the carcinoma (precancerous cells as in basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma).??

*****WARNING*****? When gluing on the lens(es) do NOT use any glue that gives off strong fumes while curing.??

I ruined a pair of polarized lenses by gluing them with Super Glue.?? The fumes clouded and otherwise ruined the lenses. A small dab of Gorilla Glue works great.


One polarized lens;? two if you want to fiddle with different "grades" of polarization
a piece of plastic pipe fitting that will house the lens
one micro-pushbutton switch (push on, momentary contact)
a tightly fitting rubber "grip"
some fumeless glue
some wire,
pieces of copper
two coin batteries
a bit of compressed cardboard, etc.

Source: http://www.instructables.com/id/Skin-Cancer-Detection/

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